Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jean Paul Sartre said: 'Existence precede Essence'?

Is it also true that he was an atheist commie?|||He was a marxist but he later abandoned it i think for anarchism , as for athiesm yes but he did made a few statements during his lifetime which could be taken to mean that he is a theist at heart.|||Sartre was not correct.

No matter the form it takes, existence exists (Aristotle.)

Essence is the identity of something that exists. The identity of "existence" is that it exists.

"Existence and identity are not attributes of existents, they are the existents . . . . The units of the concepts “existence” and “identity” are every entity, attribute, action, event or phenomenon (including consciousness) that exists, has ever existed or will ever exist."

Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, 74

Therefore; Existence and essence begin as one and the same thing. Existence without its own essence cannot exist.

"A definition must identify the nature of the units, i.e., the essential characteristics without which the units would not be the kind of existents they are."

Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, 55.

The definition of the "essential characteristic" (essence) of existence is that it CONTAINS "every entity, attribute, action, event or phenomenon (including consciousness) that exists, has ever existed or will ever exist."

That existence can "contain" all of that means that: existence did not "precede" all that it contains.

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