Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jean Paul Sartre?

What did Jean Paul stressed about the burden human beings carry as a result of being free?|||He believed we were "condemned to be free". Once born, each human being is forced to make choices (i.e. condemned to choose) and must bear the responsibility for the choices he or she makes. Even not doing something is a choice. And you have to accept responsibility for the consequences that result from your own non-action.

His point is that though you had no choice in being born, now that you are alive you can't blame anyone or anything else but yourself for the consequences of yours choices.

Freedom and responsibility are inseparable.

(P.S. I profoundly disagree with Sartre but his thinking was great, nonetheless.)|||personal responsibility and honesty to the self.

Satre believed that we all have the tendancy to decieve ourselves. I think he gave the example of a woman who refused to admit that she liked this guy sitting next to him (or were they just flirting, can't remember the exact details) and of course, that famous Cafe waiter example....


Why have ppl given the wrong answers a thumbs up. I thought you are asking about the "burdens". That burnden = personal responsibility.|||Sartre was a hypocrite and a liar, with no loyalty to the great love of his life, Simone De Beauvoir. Despite all his posing he was a typical petit bourgeois consumer of love and cigarettes, affairs and aggrandisements without number. I hope he is roasting in his cafe in Hell!|||satre a 'standard there is no no-god' type atheist couldn't believe in a greater destiny for mankind and if you deny that, choice seems irrelevant, free will can only bite you on the *** if the good you do has no ultimate goal yet the low quality actions still generate suffering- you're screwed before you start.|||Sartre thought that human beings were "condemned" to be free, it was this freedom that scared them, he called it existential nausea. It came about when people realized that all their troubles in life was a result of their own choosing to submit themselves to suffering.|||He was an Existentialist, "sieze the day", "today is the first day of the rest of your life", is I believe one of his quotes, it is factual and allows us to ask ourself, what am i doing with this gift of life. Don't even know if this is an answer to your question although I hope that it helps some.

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