Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hypothetically,If Jean-Paul Sartre was alive and American,who would he vote for in the presidential election?

Why?|||he wouldn't vote. he is an existentialist and believes in people making their own decisions. he wouldn't like an institution governing people. a bit more subjective life.

if he really had to vote, he would choose a liberal. that steps away from the consevative standpoint and makes people think and open their eyes. connect it existentialism|||Ron Paul because he believes in personal responsibility and individual liberty.|||Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir were front and center in the French feminist movement. Hillary would be their candidate.|||invoice might be right,but who knows?

this question remind me of this one this;鈥?/a>|||There's no doubt. A self-absorbed, long-winded hypocrite like Sartre would vote for Ralph Nader: two "petits pois" from the same "cosse."|||Interesting question. He probably would dislike Hilary less than the other two... she's more of a realist; less of a dreamer.|||He was an existentialist, so no one who believes in God.|||a nader man.. kucinich a close second. appropriately, neither is relevant. nor was sartre for that matter|||Bill Richardson... he had a sense of humor..

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