Thursday, November 24, 2011

"I confuse things with their names: that is belief"-Jean-Paul Sartre?

1.) Restate the quote/explain the quote in your own words

2.) Explain what the quote means

3.) Describe any unfamiliar words or words that will aid in understanding

4.) Give an example supporting/illustrating the meaning of the quote

5.) Explain why you agree or disagree with the quote

6.) State what elements of existentialism the quote relates to and how|||鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||Lao tze beat Jean Paul to it by about 2200 years:

"The name of the thing is not the thing"

Stephen Fry also wrote an excellent essay on the topic using the word "stone" as an example.

When we talk about a stone, the word "stone" has nothing inherently to do without the object--we have agreed to use the word to symbol the object, so that we don't have to produce the actual item every time we want to discuss it. It's the same with everything, tangible and intangible, the words we use to describe anything is not the thing itself.

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