Thursday, November 24, 2011

What is the significance of Jean-Paul Sartre?

He was one of the leading existentialists. He pretty much defined atheistic existentialism. ("There is no god, so how do I find meaning?") He wrote "Being and Nothingness," which is difficult, but brilliant.|||Jean-Paul Sartre was a brilliant philosopher and, as Todd indicated, is appropriately credited with his work in atheistic existentialism.

A quote you will often hear is "Existence precedes essence." This is Sartre's. He essentially indicated that life, in and of itself, does not come with a ready-made purpose. Rather, we give our own lives purpose by choosing one for ourselves. The consequences of this are serious and revolutionary.

I happen to think Sartre was a genius, and I have found quite a bit of useful thought in his work. Some of his work is a little dense, but I do recommend you give it a chance. It will change the way you think about life.

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