Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the name of a Jean-Paul Sartre play about 1 male misogynist, 1 lesbian & 1 needy women trapped in hell

I can't figure out the title of the play! Like my question states it's about a misogynist man, a lesbian, and a needy straight woman who are all trapped together in this little box.

*Spoiler: eventually the reader, finds out they are trapped in hell together.

I really love philosophy and this play sounds really interesting. All I know is that it is written by Jean-Paul Sartre, but I can't find out what the title is in order to read it!

Does anyone know, please? :)|||My favorite play - "No Exit". It's short - you can read the whole thing online here:鈥?/a>

Enjoy it - it's great|||"No Exit". Great work.|||No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre

Study Guides

These links will give you a summary of the book, character analysis, plot and much more, so that you will be able to answer literary questions.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Full Text of the Play

No Exit is a translation (by S. Gilbert) of Huis Clos, a play in one act by Jean-Paul Sartre.鈥?/a>|||Huis Clos or No Exit.

Famous for the words, 'Hell is other people' - although the truth of the play is rather, 'Myself Am hell'.|||Rock n' Rol has it correct - the play is called "No exit" (or "Huis Clos" in the original french.) it's a great read (and a good character workout for actors who are in it.) It's short, too - zip right through it.

It usually comes in a collection with 3 other Satre plays; The Flies, the Respectful Prostitute and Dirty Hands. No Exit is by far the best in the anthology but if you are really hooked I would recommend the Flies - especially if you are interested in greek mythology, as it's a retelling of the Electra story from an existentialist perspective.|||the needy woman and the lesbian must have been delighted with the state of affairs seems the misogynist is odd one out one out

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